In-Depth Bible Study of


LESSON 4 - Exodus Chapter Two

Pastor Dick's Video Clip Lectures

    1. Devotional Bible Study Tool: PEPSI
    2. In-Depth Bible Study Questions

    3. Exodus 2:1 - Moses from Tribe of Levi
    4. Exodus 2:2-4 - Moses Birth & Hiding
    5. Exodus 2:5-10 Pharaoh's Daughter
    6. Exodus 2:15-22 - Midian Life and Love in Midian
    7. Exodus 2:23-25 - God Hears, Cares, and Answers


These are unedited documents and studies I use in my sermon preparation. They will enhance your study of the Word. Print them out and study them. This way we can give you much more than we can in our Videos or in our live classes.

We suggest you print out each of these DOCUMENTS and put them into a three-ring binder for easy access and reference.

Join us each week as we take an in-depth look at THE EXODUS. Online postings and videos will on Sunday evenings.