Self evaluations can be most difficult. If you tend to be introspective
or even insecure you will be prone to be hard on your self evaluation.
If you as an extrovert and self confident you may over judge yourself.
For this reason we ask that you use a failsafe method of evaluation. The
same questions should be asked of you, then of your pastor, and
your spouse, and a friend or family member who knows you
well. The answers they give should be tallied by someone else, not by
you - preferably your pastor.
There are four possible answers 1) Yes 2) Mostly 3) No and 4)
Not Sure. Circle the number that your believe true in your case.
Click on the links for a definition of the qualification. There are 30
questions for a possible high score of 120. The scores of all four
evaluations should be tallied together to give the truest picture of
your qualifications or lack thereof. This gives the highest possible
score of 480.
Your Name: ______________________ Total score of this evaluation = ______
Scoring |