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Online Seminars
Introduction to Online Classrooms
"The Intertestamental Period" -
An in depth study of the 400 year period between the Old and New Testaments. You will gain a clear understanding of the history
of the Jews, understand the role of Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, and God's dealings with men like Alexander the Great. Learn the origin of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Septuagint, and the Jewish Calendar.
"The Birth of Christ" - An in depth study of the Christ's incarnation, birth, and events surrounding his birth.
You will uncover wicked the roots of Herod's family line. You will discover how to defend the deity of Jesus Christ through the
Scriptures, understand the importance of the Magi, and the role of Mary and Joseph.
"The Land of Palestine" - To properly understand the life of Jesus we must have a good understanding of the land in which Jesus lived. We will study the
geography of the region, mountains, rivers, cities, provinces, political rulers, etc. This study will help your preaching and teaching come to life as you retrace and envision
the very footsteps that Jesus walked.
"Radical Discipleship" - Discover what real discipleship meant when Jesus called men and women to follow him. Learn what it meant to call Jesus "Kurios" - Lord.
What makes a Christian a disciple? What does it cost to be a disciple? What are the disciplines of a true disciple?
Are you a radical disciple?
"The Prayer Life of Jesus" - Revolutionize your prayer life! Learn proven strategies for intercessory prayer, spiritual warfare, fasting, worship, prayer walking, and much more.
Become a prayer mentor for others.
"Word Studies in the New Testament" - You don't need to be a Greek scholar to understand the scriptures. Learn to study indepth meanings of Greek words as you prepare Bible lessons.
It will open a whole new world of insights for the Bible teacher and student of the Word.
Other FREE Online Studies
Training for Shepherds
Training for Elders
Training for Deacons
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