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Pastors Are In Crisis

According to Focus on the Family and many other Christian researchers, hundreds of pastors leave the ministry each year.

The odds are stacked against pastors succeeding in ministry today...

  • 50 pastors will quit the ministry for a variety of reasons.
  • 100s of pastors every single week this year will turn away from ministry and go into some type of secular work.
  • 80% of pastors and 84% of their spouses feel unqualified and discouraged in their role as pastors.
  • 35% more pastors who work fewer than 50 hours a week are likely to be terminated than pastors who work more than 50 hours per week.
  • 50% feel unable to meet the needs of the job.
  • 70% do not have someone they consider a close friend.
  • 56% of pastors’ wives say they that they have no close friends.
  • 46% say that they’ve experienced depression or burnout to the extent that they needed to take a leave of absence from ministry.
  • 80% of seminary and Bible school graduates who enter ministry will leave within the first five years.

Ministry Today exists to help pastors in crisis. Our burden from God is to walk side by side with pastors mentoring, modeling, motivating, and ministering help and encouragement primarily in reinstituting the proper place of PERSONAL PRAYER in the life of the pastor.

The Boy and the Starfish

A man was walking along a deserted beach at sunset. As he walked he could see a young boy in the distance, as he drew nearer he noticed that the boy kept bending down, picking something up and throwing it into the water. Time and again he kept hurling things into the ocean.

As the man approached even closer, he was able to see that the boy was picking up starfish that had been washed up on the beach and, one at a time he was throwing them back into the water.

The man asked the boy what he was doing, the boy replied,"I am throwing these washed up starfish back into the ocean, or else they will die through lack of oxygen. "But", said the man, "You can't possibly save them all, there are thousands on this beach, and this must be happening on hundreds of beaches along the coast. You can't possibly make a difference." The boy smiled, bent down and picked up another starfish, and as he threw it back into the sea, he replied. "I made a huge difference to that one!"

~Author Unknown~