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![]() God never intended prayer to be a boring effort at trying get God to do what you want and need Him to do. Prayer is primarily about an intimate relationship with God in which He communes with us and we with Him. Pastor Dick will teach six essential disciplines of an intimate prayer life that will forever change the way you pray. These principles have been taught and tested in churches around the world for over 25 years through his web site www.PrayerToday.org. Now as he retires from successful pastoral ministry he is taking these teachings on the road to challenge God's people to renew their love covenant with Jesus Christ and experience the presence of God in their lives and churches as never before. The day begins with an inspirational and convicting exposition of The Lord's Prayer as you've never heard it before. He proclaims the truth that Jesus taught that prayer is not ASKING but BASKING in the presence of God. The first command of the Word of God is to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength." You cannot do that without entering into your closet and shutting the door to pray to the Father in secret intimate communion as Jesus taught and modeled prayer for us. Jesus' message to the church is Revelation was that "they lost their first love" and became lukewarm because "other things" crowded out the priority of knowing and loving God with all our hearts. The afternoon session is two hours of practical teaching of the six principles of intimate prayer as presented in his book, "Spending Time Alone With God." These sessions are not just lectures on prayer but dynamic teaching with interaction, participation and creative activities that will keep you on the edge of your seat and inspire you to take these principles home and begin your prayer life all over again. He suggests that this time be divided into two parts separated by a light meal or refreshments. Pastor Dick is now scheduling meeting in churches for this coming year. This is a ONE DAY EVENT but can be made into a weekend event using Saturday for the main teaching seminar. After you have experienced this ministry we are confident that you will want to invite Pastor LaFountain back to your church as a partner in making the church a House of Prayer as Jesus intended it to be. Book now while there are still openings. Cell Phone or Text: 724-372-1979 |