Introduction to the Book of JOB
Our study of JOB began on September 10. We will be meeting on Thursday evenings and posting videos and documents by the following Sunday. Each week we will explore a different aspect of the Job story that apply to our lives today.By way of introduction to our study of the book of Job I thought it would be good to get you started thinking in the direction of Job and the problem of pain and suffering. Here are three long video sermons by Piper and MacArthur, and four audio messages I preached on the subject.
Advanced Study via YouTube Video
John Piper - When the Righteous Suffer (Part 1) (1:19 hr)
John Piper -When the Righteous Suffer (Part 2) (1:25 hr)
John MacArthur - Why Does God Allow Suffering & Evil? (1:04 hr)
Ravi Zacharias - Where's God in the Midst of Suffering & Pain? Gateway Church (35 min)
Whenever I prepare to preach or teach on a subject I do extenside preparations. I do my own reading and exegisis of the passage and then I turn to great men of God who have also studied the passages to see their insights. Here are a few commentaries available online thatyou can download and print out at your leisure. None of these are required for this course but I think they are helpful. Links to these books it for KINDLE version but you can also buy them as hard copies. - CS Lewis, The Problem of Pain
- Phillip Yancy, Where's God When it Hurts
- Phillip Yancy, Disappointment with God
- Harold Kushner, When Bad Things Happen to Good People
- Richard LaFountain, Restoring Shattered Faith
- Corrie ten Boom, The Hiding Place
- Joni Erikson Tada, Joni
- Laura Hillenbrand, Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption