2. LESSON 9 - COMMENTARY ON EXODUS 7 "The Power of the Darkside" (33 min.)
3. The History of the BOOK OF ENOCH & Jesus & Apostles (Coming Soon!) OUTLINE OF THIS WEEK'S STUDYRead Exodus 6: -- Exodus 7:7 1. The gods of Egypt - Who were the gods of Egypt
- Where did the idea of idol-gods come from?
- All the gods of the nations are demons
2. The Sorcerers of Egypt- What were they?
- Who were they? Jannes and Jambres
- Did they really have power to do miracles/
- Where did they get their power?
3. God's warnings against idols and demons- What does the Bible say about witchcraft?
- What are signs of idolatry and demons today?
- Stories of demon activity in our churches.
These are unedited documents and studies I use in my sermon preparation. They will enhance your study of the Word. Print them out and study them. This way we can give you much more than we can in our Videos or in our live classes. Class Notes and Commentary
Lesson 9 - Commentary on Exodus 7 (PDF)
PowerPoint Slides of Lesson 9 (PDF)
Bible Studies
Word Study: "No other gods before me." (PDF)
Were the Egyptian Idols/gods Demons? (PDF)
What the Bible Say About Witchcraft (PDF)
Research Papers
The gods of Egypt (PDF 32 pages listing)
Who Were These Egyptian "gods"? Source: Enoch & the Nephilim (PDF)
Who were These Egyptian Sorcerers? (PDF)
Practical Applications
Research Paper on Yoga Origins (PDF )
Occult Doorways Today (PDF)
Should a Christian Play Dungeons & Dragons? (PDF)
Outline: Pastor Preaches Against Witchcraft (PDF)
Public Reaction to Pastor's Sermon Against Yoga (PDF)
Here is a link to Pastor John Lindell's message on "Haunted: Pursuing the Paranormal" to watch the message available at CLICK HERE TO VIEW IT: (
Lesson 9 - Exodus 7:8-25The purpose of these questions is to start a conversation and sharing of our own experiences and thoughts on the subject. - Have you every played a Ouija Board? What was your experience? Is it real?
- Have you every attended a seance or palm reader? Why did you go?
- Using the list of Occult Doorways, ask yourself if you have ever participated in these things.
- Using the document, "What does the Bible say about witchcraft" How does Paul feel about Christians eating at the table of demons?
- Do you think things like Yoga and Dungeons and Dragons are wrong for a Christian? Why? What does God say about it?
- Many idolatrous things find their ways into our homes, such as movies, books, games, amulets, etc. What does God say is the effect of these things on your family?
- What does God say you should do with idols or things that belong to Satan's kingdom?
- Does it make you mad when someone says Harry Potter books encourage exploration of the occult? Why do you get upset?
- Can you worship God on Sunday and play with Satan's toys (idols) the rest of the week? What would Jesus do?
- What do you think of the statement: "What one generation tolerates, the following generation accepts, then next generation practices."?
Always Ask These Questions
Who? What? Where? When? How? and WHY? Until you understand the passage.
We suggest you print out each of these DOCUMENTS and put them into a three-ring binder for easy access and reference.
Join us each week as we take an in-depth look at THE EXODUS. Online postings and videos will on Sunday evenings.